We have been working with the Singapore Management University Dive Team or SMUX Dive Team, for 10 years this year.
That is a long time, now that I am looking back. It’s been a great journey and partnership I would say.
I am glad that we have had the opportunity to train or educate the next generations of divers coming from SMU, many of which will and have become the future business leaders, public servants, financiers, lawyers, fellow educators and other prominent and influential players. I hope that even just a fraction of them, are touched by scuba diving such that they will become ambassadors for the environment. Then, we have truly done right.
And the SMUX Dive Team Managers over the years, are the students leaders that get elected and essentially chosen to make the decisions for the team. Over the years, there have been 10 of them and I thank them for their support and in many cases, friendships.
2005: Er Jun
2006: Shaun
2007: Sheryl
2008: Nyan
2009: Ryan
2010: Sebastian
2011: Cedric
2012: Sam
2013: Iris
2014: Anton
2015: Keith
2016: Jay
These student leaders are the ones to really make it all happen and many of them have come to be woven into and form part of our crew and culture.
So thank you and hope to have a continued partnership that works for everyone.